These feet were made for walking
Apr 10, 2023
Sunshine... glorious sunshine. It has been epic so far this spring! The world is blooming all around us and it just feels like a soul recharge. Change is hanging in the air and all that stagnant winter energy is quickly moving on. Taking action on projects is feeling more possible these days and I want to do it all! While reinvention seems enticing, I need a goal that seems way more manageable than that. That’s why, this month, we’re getting back to the basics. Simple and effective daily goals that are low lifting but have a huge impact on our emotional, physical, and mental well-being. You might even roll your eyes at how simple these suggestions are, but that’s kind of the point. Focusing on the “boring basics” will strengthen your foundation, allowing you to tackle bigger goals and challenges in the future. Like I said last week... if you hear yourself say, "But I already know that!", then it's an opportunity to ask yourself, "But, am I doing that?" That's where the change lies my friend... in the DOING! So, are you with me? Are you ready to get back to the basics? This week, we’re focusing on walking. |
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