🇺🇸 A Memorial Day Weekend🇺🇸 Wellness Game

May 19, 2020

🇺🇸  Memorial Day Weekend 🇺🇸

💪  Wellness Game 💪

Quarantine Edition

+ a Garage Gym Update


This time last year we were making plans for Memorial Day Weekend... get-togethers, bbqs, parties, food, drinks, music, lakes, and the BEST PART: hanging with our PEOPLE!!

Well, we know that this year is different, to say the least.  However, we can still celebrate, have fun, and include our friends and family in a multitude of ways! Let's get creative! 

And, since self-care and wellness are of UTMOST IMPORTANCE right now as we navigate this new (involuntary) journey, I thought we could use this time to make a little game out of taking care of ourselves.

So, I created a Wellness Game to shift our focus to feel fiercely good from the inside out baby and it begins tomorrow!! 

How do you play?

Simple! Just use the game card below as your guide for some fierce self-care and wellness from May 20th - May 27th to celebrate M.E.M.O.R.I.A.L. Day Weekend!

More details below the pic!

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From Wed, May 20, through Wed, May 27, complete everything on your game card:

  • M = Move your body at least 10 minutes everyday
  • E = Eat veggies everyday
  • M = Meditate 5 minutes everyday
  • O = Outside for 5 minutes everyday
  • R = Read 10 pages everyday
  • I = Invite friends to Facetime, Zoom, Phone Calls, & Texts
  • A = Agua aka water, drink 65-90 oz of water everyday
  • L = Log 8000 steps everyday

Oh yes, there will be prizes... what they are is to be determined as I am working on new designs for FIERCE tanks and FIERCE hats!

We'll share it all in the FIERCE Connection too!

Invite your friends to play along! Just forward this email to them and then invite them into the FIERCE ConnectionThe more, the FIERCER!

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Garage Gym Update

Our plan as of today, 5/19/2020, is to return to the Garage Gym for classes & sessions on Monday, July 6th, 2020. That is subject to any changes between now & then regarding business phase rollouts.

We have a new stellar cleaning plan in place to ensure we are COVID-19 compliant. We will share more details on classes & safe physical distance protocol as we get closer to 7/6/2020.

We will continue to offer our FIERCE classes virtually from here on out! We love the flexibility it gives everyone and like a hybrid (some in-person, some virtual) approach to living fiercely so that always have options available to you! 


Let's have a little fun to to keep our Memorial Day Weekend balanced. Play the game. Even if you only do 1 thing, 1 day, you're moving forward.

We got this baby!

Believing in YOU,

~ Coach D. xo


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