Calling Up Difficult Emotions
Feb 05, 2019
~~~~~ We’ve all felt difficult emotions at some point in our life.It's part of the human experience. ~~~~~ And, as humans the temptation is to "fix it", to get through these emotions as quickly as possible; and to just make it go away. We all have our particular coping mechanisms and they work... alcohol, food, shopping, exercise... albeit, temporarily. Yes, we know can stop the feeling for the short term, but for the longterm, pushing them down deeper and deeper only allows them to fester to the point where they can boil over showing up as hostility, irritability, anxiety, & even depression. Deepak Chopra calls this "emotional turbulence" and to me that describes it perfectly because that's what it feels like in the mind... chaotic and stormy and confusing. We over think and over process and over analyze and try to figure out how to get rid of it. ~~~~~ How many times have you tried this approach? How many times has it worked? Yeah... me too. ~~~~~ When we experience a difficult emotion, our only responsibility is cultivate an environment that allows us to call them up and bring them to the surface so we can release them. Release is the way to the other side of turbulence. It’s like being nauseous... you know that feeling... "if I can just throw up, I'll feel so much better"! While that isn't the most pleasant thought on a Tuesday morning, we can ALL relate to it and know the absolute release we feel when we finally get it all out. When we create a space for these emotions to breathe, to be heard, to be felt, to be understood and perhaps even befriended, we begin to let them go. ~~~~~ Meditation, journaling, therapy, hiking, being on the water... whichever space allows silence and peace for you, an opportunity to call them up, this is where we want to turn our efforts during "turbulent times" like these. Feel them, listen, ask what it is you are truly feeling, recognize the purpose these emotions and feelings served when you needed them most; because they allowed you to get through a challenging time when you weren't sure what else to do. Express gratitude for their help. Express gratitude to them for facilitating this new awareness you have to acknowledge them, say thank you, and choose to let them go. Their time here has come to an end and in this new space, we can finally release them. ~ D. xo ~~~~~The book... And, because it's no secret that I LOVE to talk A LOT about this kind of stuff, I was LIVE on my Coach D. Facebook page last night to share my experience along with the book that helped me through it and laugh in the process... If you're a video person, then press play! Believing in YOU, ~ Coach D. xo |
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