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How to Feel Accomplished in 5 Minutes!

I don't know about you, but my usual go-to at the end of pretty much anything is, "what's next"? 

Whether it is the end of an hour, the end of the day, or in today's case, the end of the month.

"Ok, so that's done. Now what do I have to do?" That sounds positive and feels exciting doesn't it?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  

But alas, it is human nature for us to move so quickly from one to-do item to the next, that we barely acknowledge anything we have accomplished and instead just focus on all of the things we still have to do.  Sound familiar?   

(Hmm, I wonder why we feel tired a lot of the time...) 

Today I'm going to share with you one of my favorite techniques for feeling accomplished FAST - no matter how big (or never-ending) the to-do list.  This is a QUICK strategy you can adopt hourly, daily, weekly or monthly, to recognize and celebrate what you've accomplished and use that energy to continue conquering your goals! 

It's called:  The Celebration List!

Here's what to do:


  • Take out your favorite journal - or open a blank word document 
  • Each night before bed, write down ALL THE THINGS you accomplished for the day!   Even if you don't feel you accomplished anything major - this will force you to recognize and appreciate even small things! 
    •     HINT: Ideal to do away from backlit screens & sipping some caffeine-free herbal tea (see what I did there?)  
  • Include something you are MOST PROUD of completing. This is a huge momentum generator & boosts self-confidence instantly!
  • Once you've completed your list,  read it over once or twice more, take a deep breath & soak up all you've accomplished!

The peace you will feel going to sleep and the excitement you will feel when you wake up in the morning is AWESOME!  Knowing that you not only have the energy but the proven capacity to do great things, will inspire you to keep taking action! 

And the end of the night, you get to celebrate again! 

So let's practice shall we?  Hit reply and let me know 5 THINGS you've accomplished that you're celebrating NOW - no matter what time of day it is. 


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