1. Clear space = clear mind.
You’ve probably heard it said many times that physical clutter leads to mental clutter. When your space is disorganized, it can be hard to feel clear minded and relaxed.
Set a timer for 10 minutes and take some time to organize the junk drawer, clear off your bedside table, or clean up your workspace. Your mind will thank you!
✨Self-Care Bingo Square✨
Cleaned out or organized a messy space
2. Just let go.
It can be hard to love yourself and others well when you’re carrying some heavy – and I don’t mean your kids backpacks or your groceries.
When we hold on to bitterness and resentment, it weighs us down physically, mentally, and emotionally. Take stock of what you’ve been holding on to and make a choice to let it go.
Write the scathing letter or text, and then delete it. Scream into your pillow for a few minutes, and then be done.
✨Self-Care Bingo Square✨
Let go of a grudge
3. Make space for something new.
Life has been a whirlwind these past few years, but it finally feels like things are returning to “normal” – but, it’s also an opportunity to choose what you want “normal” to be.
If your pre-pandemic lifestyle wasn’t working, there’s no point in returning to that! You’re at a pivotal state in your life where you can decide what you want your life to look like.
Make a list of your old “normal” and ask yourself: “does this serve me, right now? Will it help me get to where I want to be?” And then, release the things that no longer serve you.
Not working in an office ever again? Clear out your work wardrobe and make space for clothes that fit your current lifestyle. Get rid of the relics of a past you’ll never return to so you can make space for what you need right now.
✨Self-Care Bingo Square✨
Got rid of items I haven’t used in a year