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Message in a Book

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2020

Message in a Book

The messages we find in books are endless and powerful. I shared some of my favorites last week in the FIERCE Connection as part of "Book Week" for our new morning intentions practice.

I received loads of texts and comments from those who were touched by these book messages; and, many of you ordered these books to add to your home library!

So, I wanted to share these book messages with everyone here so that you too can enjoy the nuggets in these written gems and use them as a guide to help us through the strange and challenging time we are all experiencing right now.

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Thanks to FIERCE Rockstar, Karen Kelly, we've been setting our intentions together every morning, Mon-Fri, at 8am in our FIERCE Connection Facebook Group since Wednesday, 3/25/2020.

I absolutely LOVE this practice and have found it to help me feel grounded, centered, focused, and less stressed with all of the uncertainty around us. 

If you aren't part of the FIERCE Connection and would like to join, click the button below; and, please extend the invitation to your friends. The more, the FIERCER!

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"Super Attractor" ~ by Gabrielle Bernstein

Intentions are always changing. The aim is to simply "live with intention". 

Choose an intention that speaks to you. There are many more in her book as well.

  • My day unfolds with ease & grace.
  • I am open to receiving greatness.
  • I take action with faith & clarity.
  • All is well.
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"The Four Agreements" ~ by Don Miguel Ruiz

  1. Be Impeccable with Your Word
  2. Don't Take Anything Personally
  3. Don't Make Assumptions
  4. Always Do Your Best

Ask yourself, "Which agreement do I want to show up with today?"

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"An Enemy Called Average" ~ by John Mason

"Growth comes more from building on talents, gifts, and strengths - than by solving problems."

Ask yourself, "How can I use my strengths to move forward today?"

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"The Gifts of Imperfection" ~ by Brene Brown

"Before embarking on any journey, including this one, it's important to talk about what we need to bring along. Courage, Compassion, & Connection - these are the gifts of imperfection."

Ask yourself, "How can I practice courage, compassion, and connection today?"

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"Maybe You Should Talk to Someone" ~ by Lori Gottlieb

"Don't judge your feelings, notice them. Use them as your map. Don't be afraid of the truth."

Ask yourself, "What am I willing to feel today?"


There's so much magic in books! Whether it's these or others, finding what speaks to you and inspires you, especially right now, is essential to stay mindful and centered. 

Grab a book, dive in, let go, and be open to what you may find.

Believing in YOU,

~ Coach D. xo


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