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What isn't scheduled, rarely gets done...

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2021

Good Morning!

The holiday has passed & we're slowly but surely getting our week started.

I LOVE July for many reasons and one of the main ones is because it marks the half-way point of the year, making it an ideal time to refocus on what's important to us & head in that direction for the next 6 months.

I also LOVE to track and schedule and write things down (nerd alert!) because there have been endless studies that show these are an effective way to to not only create a plan & stay consistent but to actually followthrough with the plan ultimately leading us to the results we are after.

And... we know that what isn't scheduled, rarely gets done.

I have 4 printable sheets for you today to help you do the same.  As a coach I enjoy simplifying healthy living for you & these for sheets do exactly that!

You can click on each one below to download, save, & print so you can use them anytime you need them. 


Let's do this!

~ D. xo

Grab your printables below!

(clockwise from top left)


Reflect + Reassess + Refresh

It doesn't matter where you've been, it matters where you're going; and in order to know where you're going, you have to know where you are right now. This sheet helps you do exactly that! Download now


Blank Workout Log

Are you getting stronger? Have you been lifting the same weight for the last 6 months, year or more? It's probably because you aren't tracking & have no idea what you lifted last week much less last month. Use this blank workout log to track you reps, weights, & sets to ensure you are always progressing forward. We use these sheets in our classes at the beginning of each month too. Download now


Weekly Meal Planner

Set yourself up for success by planning AHEAD! Anytime we do a challenge in the FIERCE life, it's the planning ahead that ends up being one of the biggest game-changers & this is no different. Plan out meals & snacks so you know what to buy at the store & how to balance it out to hit our 80/20 goal of clean eating. Download now


Monthly Workout Calendar

Plan your workouts NOW so you schedule other appointments around them.  It is up to us to create consistency in our schedule so we must make our workouts "nonnegotiable appointments". The sooner they're on your calendar, the easier it is to keep yourself accountable & show up! Download now

Please reach out with any questions you have!

~ D. xo


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