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Protect Your Skin this Summerā˜ŗļø

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Your FIERCE Summer Success Formula

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Your Formula for Summer Success

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šŸ˜ŽFun + šŸ„—Health = šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļøBalance

Ooooh boy! It sure felt like summer this past Memorial Day Weekend... which does tend to the unofficial kickoff of the summer season, doesn't it?

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šŸ’›Just Love YourselfšŸ’› it really that easy?


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Get creative, get outside, & treat yourself!

Uncategorized May 03, 2022
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What isn't scheduled, rarely gets done...

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2021

Good Morning!

The holiday has passed & we're slowly but surely getting our week started.

I LOVE July for many reasons and one of the main ones is because it marks the half-way point of the year, making it an ideal time to refocus on what's important to us & head in that direction for the next 6 months.

I also LOVE to track and schedule and write things down (nerd alert!) because there have been endless studies that show these are an effective way to to not only create a plan & stay consistent but to actually followthrough with the plan ultimately leading us to the results we are after.

And... we know that what isn't scheduled, rarely gets done.

I have 4 printable sheets for you today to help you do the same.  As a coach I enjoy simplifying healthy living for you & these for sheets do exactly that!

You can click on each one below to download, save, & print so you can use them anytime you need them. 


Let's do...

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Summer, Solstice, Sunshine, & Strawberries

This year, the June solstice occurs on Sunday, June 20, marking the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere*. The summer solstice— also known as the longest day of the year is also Father’s Day this year!

It's known as the "longest" day of the year because it has longest period of sunlight hours which is such a beautiful gift! How are you celebrating this weekend?

Between Memorial Day Weekend a couple of weeks ago & this Sunday's solstice, there's no doubt that summer is HERE!

So many things to celebrate about this Sunday & this season. Here are a few ways we can soak it up!

* Checkout the full article from The Old Farmer's Almanac here.

*Photo: The Old Farmer's Almanac


Go strawberry picking. Enjoy a big bowl of strawberries and cream on the solstice.

There are many people—like the Swedes—who celebrate the beginning of...

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Instead of that...

Instead of...

Motivation focus on ENERGY

Calories focus on CHEMICALS

Weight loss focus on SELF-CARE

Wine focus on SLEEP

Complaining focus on GRATITUDE

Pressure focus on PURPOSE

Expectations focus on BOUNDARIES

Stress focus on PRIORITIES

Balance focus on HARMONY

Burning out focus on PLAY

Consuming focus on RELEASING

Constriction focus on EXPANSION

More focus on BETTER

Hate focus on LOVE


Instead of thinking of ALL things you have to do, focus on the few you MUST do to move the needle forward this week.

It's usually a lot less than you think.

You got this & we've got your back!

~ Coach D. & the FIERCE Team!

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Why focusing just on RESULTS doesn't work

#habits goals results May 04, 2021

May the 4th be with you, Derith!

Anyone else tempted to say, "and also with you"??? Ha, ha!

Well, Happy May! It's a brand new month, a new start, and hopefully a refreshed outlook on what's lies ahead of us. In my coach head & in the FIERCE life, a new month always brings with it a chance to set new goals to focus on.


I'm curious, what are YOUR goals for May?

Most of the time when I ask this question, I get answers like, "lose weight", "more energy", "drink less wine", "make a million dollars", etc


And, while these technically are goals, they are all OUTCOME goals meaning that they are identifying the outcome or RESULT we are after.

This is the first step in the goal-setting process because it is imperative we know where we want to go; BUT it's setting PROCESS goals that ultimately determines whether or not we achieve the goals we set.



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