Photo Credit: "Will it make the boat go faster?" This one question changed the training-game for this British rowing team who took home the gold medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Great Britain hadn't won a gold medal in rowing since 1912. This one question allowed them to define the difference between being merely interested in a goal and being fiercely committed to a goal. Every decision, activity, choice, behavior, and action was met with this question, "Will it make the boat go faster?" And, if the answer was no, then they didn't do it. No to the donut. No to one more drink. No to a late night out with friends. No to skipping a workout. No to taking weekends off. No to hitting the snooze button. No to slacking. No to not finishing what you started. You get the idea... Here's another question for you? Does the idea of achieving the goals you have sound interesting or "nice"? Or, are you truly committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve your... |